Monday, December 17, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I'm in need if a generator shovel transmission. If you can help please hit me up And it dos not half to be perfect as long as the case is good. Thanx!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tanks bud

Danny d of the geeks painted this killer tank for my shovel project and needles to say I'm overly stoked!!!!! Tanks Danny!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

If you coming pleas read!!!!!

The address to enter in map quest or any gps site should be changed to lighthouse road NOT horseshoe road. Thanx

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012


Big brother is in town. Haha I am blessed to have so many brothers love you all. Fags!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Save the date if you care to

So me and my old lade are getting ready to get married SEPT 22 2012. Yea yea I know. ( but Kyle that's the day of the Brooklyn invitational). Well I thought about it and I Don't Care !! all the same people will be getting a invite and the ones who matter will show up. It's not a test of friend ship or any thing we have planed that date for a year
soooooo you know who you are that are getting a invite and will see you soon!

Friday, January 20, 2012



Go away

Well who am I to say any thing like I'm some kinda chopper god. But I'm turning my hate for posers into humor. Yes I could go the rest of my days with out wasting time talking to some one that says the built thar own bike but clearly did not. I'm not say if you do your better then any one but if you do your a step above the rest. The people who do it for the attention do make me sick but fuck it you know who you are. I'm honored to have some of the friends I do who really under stand all that crap I just wrote. My death science family my fots brothers and some of my Baltimore bros and so on and so on. It is cool that people that really love this crap can make a living on it and go the US dream of doing what the love to feed there family.